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Mr. Viitha Herath Hon. Minister, Mr.H.M. Vijitha Herath
Ministry of Environment, Wildlife, Forest Resources, Water Supply, Plantation and Community Infrastructure
New Chairman Prof. Tilak Hewawasam , Chairman of Central Environmental Authority
IMG 7027 Final 2
 Message of Mr. Hemantha Jayasinghe, Director General of Central Environmental Authority
The mutual bond that exists between the human race and the environ....Read more

Welcome to Central Environment Authority

The Central Environmental Authority (CEA) was established in August 1981 under the provision of the National Environmental Act No:47 of 1980. The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (ME&NR) which was established in December 2001 has the overall responsibility in the affairs of the CEA with the objective of integrating environmental considerations in the development process of the country. The CEA was given wider regulatory powers under the National Environment(Amendment) Acts No:56 of 1988 and No:53 of 2000.