
Compliance Monitoring and Complaint Coordinating Unit

Compliance Monitoring and Complaint Coordinating UnitThis Unit is engaged in two main functions i.e. Compliance Monitoring and Complaint Coordinating.

Compliance Monitoring

The Compliance Monitoring Unit (CMU) is responsible to establish, implement and maintain compliance monitoring mechanism for regulatory tools under provisions of NEA and streamline the compliance monitoring mechanism through relevant units and regional offices. The objective of the compliance monitoring is to ensure industrialists /developers adhere to the conditions /standards stipulated in licenses and approvals issued under the provisions of the National Environmental Act and thereby control/mitigate environmental pollution caused by such prescribed activities /projects on the case may be.

Main functions of the unit:

i Implementing compliance monitoring mechanism island-wide for licenses issued (EPL, SWML).

ii Provide guidance and trainings for the implementation of consistent compliance monitoring mechanism among all districts.

iii Monitor and evaluate the progress of the compliance monitoring mechanism implemented by regional offices.

Complaint Coordinating

Complaint Coordinating Unit was established in the head office of CEA for overall coordination and effective management of environmental complaints received from public in coordination with regional offices established in island wide and relevant units of CEA.

Delivering an effective service for handling complaints, the unit is engaged in following main functions.

Main Functions of the unit

i Maintaining online Complaint database for handling complaints.

ii Operating the Hotline – 1981 round the clock for complaint lodging.

iii Standardizing the complaint handling system through manuals/guidelines and trainings.

iv Island wide progress reporting monthly basis.

v Coordinate with other institutes for complaints which are not relevant to CEA

Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 February 2025 06:37




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