
Acts & Regulations

  • Acts


National Environmental Act No. 47 of 1980


National Environmental (Amendment) Act, No. 56 of 1988


National Environmental (Amendment) Act, No. 53 of 2000


  • Environment Protection


     --- Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 2387/22 dated 05.06.2024
(Re: Warnagalawatta)

Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1533/16 dated 25.01.2008

(Re: Environmental Protection License Prescribed Activities)

Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1534/18 dated 01.02.2008

(Re: National Environmental Protection & Quality Regulations)

Regulations published under the Gazette Notification No. 850/4 dated 20.12.1994

(Re: Appeal Procedure)

Order Under Section 24C and 24D of the aforesaid Act and published in Gazette Extraordinary No.1466/26 of October 13,2006

published under the Gazette Notification No.2090/11 dated 25.09.2018 

(Re: Limits of the Muthurajawela Environmental Protection Area)


REGULATIONS made by the Minister of Environment under Section 32 of the National Environmental Act, No. 47 of 1980 read with Sections 23A and 23B of that Act.

(2264/17 -  Sinhala  /   English  Tamil ) Amended - National Environmental Protection & Quality Regulation

(2264/18 -  Sinhala  /   English  /  Tamil ) The Prescribed Activities for which a license is Required

  • Industrial Effluent (Water) Quality Management
PDF Gazette Extract


---1 No. 595/16 dated 02.02.1990 The Orders cited as The National Environmental (Protection and Quality) Act No. 1 of 1990, enacted under Section 32 of the National Environmental Act No. 47 of 1980, as amended by Act No. 56 of 1988 read with Article 44 (2) of the Constitution, introduced tolerance limits for industrial discharges for the first time. These orders have been rescinded by Gazette Notification No. 1534/18 dated 01.02.2008.
---2 No. 1534/18 dated 01.02.2008 The orders enacted by repealing the National Environmental (Protection and Quality) Orders No. 1 of 1990 published in Gazette Notice No. 595/16 dated 02.02.1990 and introducing new tolerance limits. Orders 2, 3, 4, and 7 hereof have been amended by Gazette Notification No. 2264/17 dated 27.01.2022.
---3 No. 2264/17 dated 27.01.2022 Order amending the orders 2, 3, 4, and 7 of the National Environmental (Protection and Quality) Regulations No. 01 of 2008 published in the Gazette Notification No. 1534/18 dated 01.02.2008 under Sections 23 A. and 23 B. -
  • Procedure for Issuance of Environmental Protection Licenses (EPLs).
PDF Gazette Extract


---1 No. 595/16 dated 02.02.1990 The National Environmental (Protection and Quality) Orders No. 1 of 1990 first introduced the environmental protection licenses procedure for discharge of wastes into the environment under Section 32.

These orders were amended by Gazette Notification No. 1159/22 dated 22.11.2000 and rescinded by Gazette Notification No. 1533/16 dated 25.01.2008.

---2 No. 1159/22 dated 22.11.2000 The order of repealing the National Environmental (Safety and Quality) orders No. 1 of 1990 published in Gazette No. 595/16 dated 02.02.1990, and the enacting order specifying the activities requiring environmental protection licenses under section 23.Afor the first time.
---3 No. 1533/16 dated 25.01.2008 The Order specifying the activities (prescribed activities) required to obtain the environmental protection license under the section 23 A. This rule has been rescinded by Gazette Notification No. 2264/18 dated 27.01.2022.
---4 No. 2264/18 dated 27.01.2022 The order of repealing the Gazette notificationNo. 1533/16 dated 25.01.2008,&stating the activities to be obtained for environmental protection license under Section 23 A. -
  • Environmental Protection licenses Appellate Procedure
PDF Gazette Extract


---1 No. 595/16 dated 02.02.1990 TheOrder of Environmental (Appellate Procedure) giving the opportunity to any licensee to appeal to the Secretary of the Ministry of Environment against a refusal/renewal/suspension/cancellation of an environmental protection license by the Central Environment Authority or authorizedany other government/semi-government agency ,under Section 23 E


  • Ambient Water Quality Control
PDF Gazette Extract


---1 No. 2148/20 dated 05.11.2019 The National Environmental (Ambient Water Quality) Regulations No. 1 of 2019 published avoiding any person shall discharge, deposit or emit any pollutant into the inland surface waters to exceed the Ambient Water Quality Standards under Section 23 G for the first time. -
  • Air Quality

Regulations published under the Gazette Notification No. 1295/11 dated 30.06.2003

(Re: Air emission, fuel & vehicle importation standards)

Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1309/20 dated 10.10.2003

(Re: Prohibition of Ozone depleting substances)

Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1557/14 dated 09.07.2008

(Re: List of vehicle exhaust emission standards)

Regulations published under the Gazette Notification No. 1562/22 dated 15.08.2008

(Re: Permissible Ambient Air Quality Standards in relation to class of Air Pollutants)

Amended Regulations published under the Gazette Notification No. 1887/20 dated 05.11.2014 with the corrected Gazette Notification No. 1895/43 dated 02.01.2015

(Re: Air emission, fuel & vehicle Importation standards)

Order published under the Gazette NotificationNo. 2126/36 dated 05.06.2019

(Re: Satationary Source Emission Control)

Regulations published under the Gazette Notification No. 2079/42 dated 12.07.2018

(Re: Air emission, fuel & vehicle importation standards)

Regulations published under the Gazette Notification No. 2083/3 dated 06.08.2018

(Re: Air emission, fuel & vehicle importation standards)



Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 924/12 dated 23.05.1996

(Re: industrial noise pollution)

Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 973/7 dated 30.04.1997

(Re: Amendment to Gazette Notification No. 924/12 dated 23.05.1996)

Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1738/37 dated 29.12.2011

(Re: National Environmental (vehicle horns) Regulations)
  •  Ambient Water Quality

National Environmental (Ambient Water Quality) Regulations, No. 01
of 2019

(Re: Ambient Water Quality standards)

  • Waste Management

Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1466/5 dated 10.10.2006

(Re: Prohibition of Polythene or any polythene product of 20 micron or below in thickness)

Regulations published under the Gazette Notification No. 1534/18 dated 01.02.2008

(Re: License for discharge, emission or disposal of waste/scheduled waste management)

Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1627/19 dated 10.11.2009

(Re: Municipal Solid Waste)

Regulations on Polythene and Plastic Management 2017

Plastic Material Indentification Standards

(Regulations No. 01 of 2021.)

prohibit the use of Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material for packing agrochemicals used for any
process, trade or industry and ...

Prohibit the use of the following Plastic items

(i) Single use drinking straw and arirrers

(ii)Single use food containers Plates cups spoons forks and knives, except in air travels


(iv)String hopper trays

(Regulations No. 2341/30  Sinhala  /   English  /  Tamil )

Order under Section 23W of the National Environmental Act, No. 47 of 1980

(PET Regulations No. 2353/55  Sinhala  /   English  /  Tamil )


EIA Process


Regulation published under the Gazette Notification No. 772/22 dated 24.06.1993

(Re: Prescribed projects & Procedure for approval of prescribed projects )


Regulation published under the Gazette Notification No. 859/14 dated 23.02.1995

(Re: Project Approving Agencies)


Regulation published under the Gazette Notification No. 1104/22 dated 05.11.1995

(Re: Amendments to prescribed projects)

Regulation published under the Gazette Notification No. 1283/19 dated 10.04.2003

(Re: Upper Kotmale hydro power project)


Regulation published  under the Gazette Notification No. 1108/12 dated 29.11.1999



Regulation published under the Gazette Notification No. 1373/6 dated 29.12.2004

(Re: Appointing Forest Department as a Project Approving Agency)
  •  Declaring Environmental Protection Areas

Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1466/26 dated 13.10.2006

Amendments published under the Gazette Notification No. 2090/11 dated 25.09.2018

Amendments published under the Gazette Notification No. 2358/65 dated 17.11.2023

(Re: Muthurajawela)


Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1487/10 dated 05.03.2007

Amendments published under the Gazette Notification No. 2237/7 dated 19.07.2021

(Re: Thanalgama)


Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1487/10 dated 05.03.2007

Amendments published under the Gazette Notification No. 2247/32 dated 01.10.2021

(Re: Lake Gregory)


Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1507/9 dated 23.07.2007

(Re: Knuckles)


Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1560/26 dated 01.08.2008

(Re: Maragala Mountain Range)


Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1598/21 dated 24.04.2009

(Re: Walauwwewatte Waturana)


Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1634/23 dated 30.12.2009

(Re: Bolgoda)


Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1641/28 dated 17.02.2010

(Re: Hanthana)


Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 2024/6 dated 19.06.2017

(Re: Warathenna-Hakkinda)


Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 2075/15 dated 11.06.2018

(Re: Pansalathenne-Maussawa)


Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 2335/21 dated 09.06.2023


 ---  Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 2369/39 dated 02.02.2024
(Re: Ethaleikulam Tank)


   PDF icon1  ---  Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 2387/22 dated 05.06.2024
(Re: Warnagalawatta)

TheOrder of Environmental (Appellate Procedure) giving the opportunity to any licensee to appeal to the Secretary of the Ministry of Environment against a refusal/renewal/suspension/cancellation of an environmental protection license by the Central Environment Authority or authorizedany other government/semi-government agency ,under Section 23 E

No. 2148/20 dated 05.11.2019

Last Updated on Friday, 17 January 2025 04:50




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